Jména koní na C
9. 8. 2008
Coffe | Cilka | Čelenka |
Černá kráska | Casttaneta | Cammora |
Černá | Casie | Colombina |
Czanka | Century | Cedreta |
Cytadela | Cola | Cool Lady |
Carta Blanca | Cenzura | Corwetta |
Conves | Camelia | Citát |
Comenche | Coloss | Cortezs |
Čiki | Čiko | Coreli |
Catalin | Curtain | Cefeus |
Centax | Canderleri | Čardáš |
Čirkáš | Cedrik | Cibik |
Caesar | Cedrit | Caledo |
Calando | Cor | Concorde |
Cikán | Čet | Corado |
Cigar | Cartouche | Celebes |
C.B. | C.C. | Cable |
Cactus | Cadalac | Cade |
Cadence | Cadillac Jack | Cadre Noir |
Caeser | Cafe Latte | Caine |
Cajun | Calamity Jane | Calico |
Caliméro | Call Me | Cally |
Calua | Calvin | Camanchi |
Cambridge | Cameo | Cammander |
Camoren | Campari | Campino |
Canada | Canadian Winner | Canal King |
Cancer | Candlelight | Candy |
Candy Apple | Candy Kisses | Candyman |
Cant Deny It | Cant Get Enough | Capella |
Caper | Capitaine | Cappicino |
Cappie | Cappo | Cappocina |
Cappuiccino | Cappy | Capriccio |
Capricorn | Captain | Captain Canada |
Caramel | Caramel Sensation | Caraway |
Carcajou | Careless | Carmel |
Carmella | Carmen | Carnation |
Carosel | Carribou | Carrie |
Carrots | Cartier | Cartoon |
Carumba | Carver | Casanova |
Cascade | Casey | Cash |
Cash the Check | Casper | Caspian |
Casse Noisette | Cassidy | Cassie |
Cast No Shadow | Castaway | Castle Rock |
Catamaran | Catch The Wind | Caution |
Cava | Cavier | Caz |
Ceasar | Cedar | Ceffyl |
Celandine | Celebrity | Celeste |
Cellini | Celtic Charm | Celtic Jewel |
Celtic Rose | Celtic Shot | Celtic Sun |
Century | Century's Odyssey | Céphée |
Cera | Ceres | Cider |
Cimarron | Cimeron | Cinamon |
Cincinatti | Cincinnati's Treasure | Cinderella |
Cinders | Cindy | Cinnamon |
Cinnamon Toast | Cippy | Cirrus |
Cisco | Cisco Kid | Citation |
City | City Girl | CJ |
Clancy | Classic | Classic Touch |
Classical Dancer | Classy | Classy Dancer |
Clear | Clear Red | Clemantine |
Cleo | Clever Trick | Clifford |
Cloe | Clone Lass | Cloud |
Cloud 9 | Cloud Dancer | Cloud Dancing |
Cloud Nine | Cloven | Clover |
Clueless | Cluster | Clyde |
Coal | Cobalt | Cobweb |
Coby | Coca-Cola | Coccinelle |
Cochise | Cochise Warfeather | Cocklebur |
Coco | Co-Co | Coco |
Coco Lady | Coco Puffs | Cocoamo |
Coconut | Coco-Rose | Code Blue |
Cody | Colby | Cole |
Colin | Color Field | Color Me Bad |
Color Me Crazy | Color Me Pretty | Color Me Red |
Colorado | Coloring Book | Colors Of The Wind |
Coltyn | Columbo | Comanche |
Comet | Command Performance | Condor |
Confetti | Confetti's Cowboy | Confidental |
Congarie | Conker | Conquest |
Conrad | Contiki | Conztanza |
Coocoo For Coconuts | Cookie | Cookie Dough |
Cookies 'n' Cream | Cool Dawn | Cool Mount |
Coosa | Cooter | CoPilot |
Copper | Copper Glow | Copper Penny |
Copperhead | Copy Cat | Corey |
Cork | Corn | Cornol |
Coshy | Cosmic Flower | Cosmo |
Costal Sunset | Cotton | Cougar |
Count | Courageous | Coureur des Bois |
Court Jester | Courvosier | Cover Girl |
Cover Story | Cowboy | Cowboy Joe |
Cowboys Delight | Cowboy's Dream | Cowboy's First Choice |
Cowboys Golden Blizzard | Cowboy's Revege | Cowgirl |
Coyote | Cracker Barrel | Cracker Jack |
Crackerjack | Crazy | Crazy Dream |
Crazy Paint | Cream | Creme Soda |
Cremmdalla Crem | Creola Rosette | Creole |
Cricket | Crimson | Crisp |
Crispy | Crissy | Cristabell |
Crocuzula | Cross Roads | Crouching Tiger |
Crown Royal | Cruise | Cruser |
Crystal | Cuddles | Cuervo |
Culver | Cupid | Cupids Cowboy |
Curiosity | Curious | Curiso |
Curley | Curly | Curly-q |
Curtain Call | Custer | Cut The Cuteness |
Cute As A Button | Cute Tee | Cute Wedding |
Cutest lil' babyface | Cutter | Cyclone |
Cymba | Cymbal | Cyndara |
Cypress Way | Cyrus | Czar |
Caruso | Cefiro | Camaron |
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