Jména koní na L
11. 8. 2008
La Primavera | Lace | Lacey | |
Lacy | Lad | Ladd | |
Laddie | Lady | Lady Ameera (Arabic=Lady Queen) | |
Lady Americo | Lady Blackstar | Lady Blue Eyes | |
Lady Boots | Lady Carlotta | Lady Cinnabar | |
Lady Estella | Lady Hawk | Lady Leggs | |
Lady Madonna | Lady of Lanarkshire | LadyBug | |
Lady's Man | Lady's Mist | Lady's Sundancer | |
Lahja-Viktoria | Lakota | Lamal | |
Lana | Lanai | Lancelot | |
Landslide | Langers Tequila | Lantana Lady | |
Lardeo | Lashka | Lass | |
Last Man Standing | Latara | Laura Ashley | |
Lauralanthalasa | Lava | Lavender Sky | |
Lavigne (pronounced laveen) | Layali (Arabic=night) | Layla | |
Lazy red | Lea | Leap of Faith | |
Leather'n'Lace | Leave it to me | Ledger | |
Lee Diamond | Lefroy Ailin Dwane | Lefty | |
Legacy | Legend | Legend of Zelda | |
Legendary Warcry | Legs | Lena | |
Lenny | Leo | Leon | |
Leonardo | Lesley | Lestat | |
Let's Ride | Level | Levi | |
Lex | Lexi | Lextus | |
Lexus | Liberty | Libertys Ride | |
Libra | Lickety Split | Licorice | |
Liferoot | Light | Light the Night | |
Light the Way | Lightening | Lightning | |
Lightning James Bond | Lika Whisper | Lil' Doll | |
Lil Miss Mysterious | Lil Sugar | Lilbit | |
Lillie | Lilly | Lilly Bing | |
Lily | Lily-of-the-Valley | Limelight | |
Limited Edition | Limitless Time | Lincoln | |
Lincoln's Copper Penny | Linda | Lindsay | |
Linus | Lio | Lippy | |
Lisa | Little Barney | Little Bay Lady | |
Little Bit | Little bit of Spice | Little Bits | |
Little Boy Blue | Little Chief White Cloud | Little Commet | |
Little Creamer | Little Extra Credit | Little Joe | |
Little Joe Brick | Little Lady | Little Love | |
Little Lunik | Little Man | Little Miss English Muffin | |
Little Miss Patriot | Little Patric | Little Rose Nakita | |
Lizzy | Loco | Locomotion | |
Lofty | Logan | Logo | |
Lolita | Lonesome Glory | Long Lost | |
Look At me Go | Loose Change | Loran | |
Lord Stars | Lord York | Lords King William | |
Lorenzo | Lothario | Lottie | |
Lottie Da | Lotto | Lotus | |
Louis | Louis D'Aragon | Lovely | |
Lover Boy | Love's Verse | Ltiff | |
Lucifer | Luck of the Irish | Lucky | |
Lucky Charm | Lucky Charm'z | Lucky Lotto Lad | |
Lucky Shamrock | Lucky Star | Lucky's Chance | |
Lucky's Charm | Lucky's Second chance | Luckystars | |
Lúcra | Lucy | Ludwig | |
Lugano | Lullaby Maker | Luna | |
Lunar Eclipse | Lunatic | Lune de miel (French=Honeymoon) | |
Lurch | Luna | Lutra |
A ještě...
(Eliška Poníková, 20. 8. 2010 1:34)